Some questions on charges and driving ordinances
If Troy's millage had passed, would they have passed this driving ordinance? I'm surprised they're not doing more to fix the budget in light of the millage's defeat. Oh, wait, maybe they are...with this driving ordinance?
I'm not totally buying the idea of massive cuts being faced by the city, and the council decides to lead the state in driving safety efforts.
And why does the Oakland County Prosecutor send out a press release announcing murder charges on significant older cases at 4:45 p.m. Friday. Isn't there a time to discuss things with the public, meaning making a call and explaining why this person is being charged - even in general, non-specific terms? What's there to hide?
Of course, perhaps they're just understaffed and too busy. I know we all are it seems in the non-public sector.
Troy is not broke they just want someone else to pay for their messes.
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