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Monday, June 21, 2010

Schools and lottery

I drove across the state this weekend, which allowed me to see billboards and listen to some radio. And I noticed something: The Michigan lottery seems to be trying to promote itself more and it's tying itself to the idea of helping support Michigan's schools.

Bad idea.

Why? From what I've seen in the reader comments on stories and seeing the opinions of teachers and schools, people are angry that they are being asked to pay more. Every story about school budgets and teacher negotiations includes a question, What about all that money from the lottery?

Well, apparently it's not enough, and people don't want to be asked again and again to help out. Districts are lucky if simple renewals pass, so forget about asking for more.

And large banners saying how much money has been given to schools by the lottery only begs the question, Why do they need more?

Well, maybe they do, but the real question is, Does the lottery need more? And, there, the answer is no.

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