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Friday, February 17, 2012

Santorum to win Michigan?

Yes, I believe so.

I'm not buying the 'I'm a Michigan man' line from Romney and I think many people aren't buying it either.

I understand why so many accuse him of being a man for all people, meaning he believes what you believe if you're in line waiting to vote. His ads ooze of that.

If he's such a Michigan man, why is only here during campaign stops?

Here's an interesting piece that wonders if playing the favorite son (prodigal son?) could hurt Romney.

And I'm sure many are mad at his continued insistence that the government should not have helped the auto industry. He may be right in some technical sense, but it's the symbolism of support or nonsupport that will sway many, and when it comes to basic statements, Mitt's have not been kind to Michigan's auto industry.

But where's Newt, that's the big question now? We're missing a lot of fun, considering I want to hear more about this moon colony.

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