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Friday, February 26, 2010

Bill Dwyer, man of action

Whatever you may think of Bill Dwyer and his politics, I must admit he knows how to make a move. 
The longtime former police chief of Farmington Hills, who is working as police commissioner in Warren, says he is considering a run for political office.
So just as a critic complains about Dwyer trying to hold a county commissioner seat while working a full-time job (as many commissioners do in Oakland County), he announces that he is retiring from police work.
Nice job, completely keeping the complaint out of the news cycle. If a man can control his message this effectively, I think he's smart enough to make tough decisions to control a county's budget.
And whatever people may have thought about his police management, I heard very few complaints about his former department. 
They had top-notch people and top-notch equipment, and I don't recall them losing any major cases. 
Farmington Hills is a nice city with lots of residents, small neighbors, exclusive neighborhoods, major highways, and significant development. Keeping all those differing bases happy is a difficult thing, and Dwyer seemed on top of it on the police side.


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