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Friday, July 15, 2011

The Verdict

Ok, we all hated the verdict and sure they may have served the justice system by voting how they felt.

It's too bad they needed more evidence, because I'm a believer in lying serving as proof of misdeeds. Otherwise, why lie? And it should teach people not to lie.

But the best story I saw the issue was "Nightline" on the night after the verdict. Not too much sensational coverage but a lot of quality analysis. Great viewing, and I wasn't even staying up to watch it; my wife had it on and I was reading.

I was shocked to hear the juror who said the first vote was 10-2 to acquit. I didn't hear all the evidence, but prosecutors can make too much of some stuff without focusing on the crime itself. Too bad, as justice could have been better served.


Anonymous Jim Haan said...

Must leave butcher shop

July 17, 2011 at 9:37 AM 

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